Just Breathe…

- Nate Picklo, LOV Bikes -


L.O.V. = Living Our Vitality

LOV Yoga creates custom yoga therapy programs that inspire connection, balance and transformation.

Yoga therapy helps us live our vitality through the use of tools like breath-work, meditation, mindful movement and self reflection. 

Image of Tara in Side Bend Pose

About Tara

Tara started practicing yoga while caregiving for a loved one with cancer and while also navigating grief from the loss of this relationship. She has since pursued an extensive yoga therapy education which helped her personally journey through grief, trauma, anxiety, depression, injury recovery, infertility, prenatal and postpartum. LOV Yoga is the vessel through which Tara shares yoga therapy and also honors this past relationship. She is honored to hold sacred space for others to help them grow through what they go through. Explore More >

Image of Retreat on Breathe

What is Yoga Therapy?

According to the International Association of Yoga Therapists, IAYT, yoga therapy is defined as the “professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes personalized assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management, and yoga practices for individuals or small groups.”

What is Yoga Therapy? (Read More)

Frequently Asked Questions about Yoga Therapy

Discover More >



3 ways to connect with LOV Yoga

Individual Yoga Therapy

These sessions are designed for people who desire more personalized, therapeutic support according to your physical, emotional and spiritual goals. Book a Free Connection Call to learn more!

Group Yoga Therapy

Classes & Workshops

Online & In Person Programs

Custom Yoga & Mindfulness Programming for Organizations and Businesses

LOV Yoga Classes, Programs & Workshops

Prenatal Yoga Classes

Mindful Mamas Yoga (Postpartum + Baby)

Growing Through Grief 6-Week Series

lov yoga logo mark

Share the LOV…

Tara helped my mental & emotional state. I learned about the connection of the physical body to breath & how important it is, not only while practicing yoga but also in life.
— Audrey Shimmel, Leukemia Survivor

LOV Yoga Gives Back!

LOV Yoga is passionate about making yoga therapy financially accessible for young adult cancer patients, survivors and caregivers through the “Feel the LOV Fund.” Anyone who pays full price for yoga therapy services receives the added benefit that 11% of the proceeds go toward this mission.

Financial toxicity is prevalent amongst most young adult cancer patients (age 20 - 45). While in the prime of life trying to build a career and family, this debilitating disease can cause physical and emotional struggles while medical bills stack-up. These young souls are forced to navigate a new reality, striving to regain a sense of balance during and post cancer treatment. Yoga Therapy can help them regain a sene of grounding, balance and peace while providing space to work through physical pain, grief and trauma. LOV Yoga is honored to give back and hopes this small gift can make a BIG impact.

Teaching yoga at a First Descents Program in Estes Park, CO.

Teaching yoga at a First Descents program at the Nature Place in Flourissant, CO.


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LOV Yoga sends a monthly newsletter that includes offerings, updates and free resources. Sign up here to receive some LOV.

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Book a FREE LOV Connection CAll

Are you curious about yoga therapy or have questions about how LOV Yoga’s services can benefit you? Book a 30 minute call with Tara today!


August 2021

“The writing and reflecting we did in the context of yoga inspired me to get in touch with how to convey complex emotions and feelings to others in a way that is also cathartic for me.”

Participant / Grief to Gratitude workshop



january 2022

“The teachings that Tara gave me have altered the way in which I see myself. Tara has seen me at my worst and without judgment and has helped me in ways I could never imagine.”

Tawny Rachelle, Cancer Yoga Therapy Client/Breast Cancer Survivor



june 2019

“Tara helped me realize the way I had been processing my grief was normal… her presence was very calming & I felt like I could be completely vulnerable. This felt like a safe place to be honest & open.”

Karlie Cummins, Grief Yoga Therapy Client



Connect with Lov Yoga

Tara sitting in lotus